What is PSIM?
PSIM is a powerful software tool used to simulate the behavior of electrical power systems. PSIM allows users to model and analyze different scenarios, which can then be used to solve various problems. For example, PSIM can be used to analyze the effects of renewable energy sources on the electrical grid, or to simulate the performance of electric vehicles under different conditions. It can also be used to optimize power system designs, helping designers to create systems that are more efficient and reliable.
PSIM is the most complete solution for simulation and design of power conversion and motor controls. Ideal for users needing power conversion tools for motor drives, power supplies, mircogrids, multi-level connectors and power storage/generation.
Key Capabilities
- Power loss simulation - understand switching and conduction losses of switching devices
- C-Block capabilities without need for a compiler
- Embedded C code generation
- Simulate high-speed switching without convergence issues
- Validation tools including: Monte Carlo, Sensitivity and Fault Analysis
- Co-simulation connection with MATLAB, Simulink, Questa/ModelSim and LTspice