Altair Inspire PolyFoam

Polyurethane Foam Process Simulation


What is Altair Inspire PolyFoam?

Altair Inspire Polyfoam allows users to simulate the process of foam expansion for polyurethane foams, both rigid and flexible.  The built-in five step workflow allows users to easily evaluate manufacturability of their product while reducing manufacturing defects like shrinkage and porosity.  Process simulations include injection, filling, foaming, curing, and cooling.


Understanding your Process

Validate different manufacturing scenarios like foam injection direction, moving gates and nozzles, mold vents and inserts.

Understand multiple steps of the simulation process such as injection, foaming, curing and cooling.  


Material Availability

Included inside Altair Inspire Polyfoam is a large database of existing materials, but users can also add their own proprietary materials working directly with Altair.

In addition to the large existing material database, users can also simulate multiple foam materials simultaneously.


Avoid Costly Defects

Altair Inspire Polyfoam allows users to detect manufacturing defects early in the manufacturing process.  Defects like air traps, porosity, turn-up and weld lines can be understood prior to molds being created, saving a lot of wasted time and expense.

Key Capabilities

  • Detect manufacturing defects early in the development cycle such as: air traps, shrinkage, porosity, weld lines and turn-up
  • Create initial mold with components based on imported 3D parts
  • Test and optimize different process configurations - fixed, moving or sequential gates and nozzles
  • Simulate the injection of multiple foams within a single mold

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